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Olfeo OEM documentation

Categorize API


Olfeo OEM's categorization API allows you to get the category of one or more URLs or IPs in one request and obtain useful information to make informed decisions about them (filtering, moderation, routing, analysis, etc.)

Domain, URL or IP categories

The Olfeo OEM database contains more than 100 classification categories divided into 10 themes, thus offering optimal granularity for your analyses, controls, filtering, etc.

SaaS Application belonging

When categorizing a URL/domain/IP, if the service finds at least one match with a SaaS application, theapplication_id is returned, which then allows additional information to be obtained via the dedicated endpoints.

Using the Categorize API

Authenticate on the Categorize API

All Categorize API endpoints require authentication provided via an API key (format Bearer token) recoverable from Authenticate API.

Simple or advanced categorization

There are two main endpoints that can be used to categorize a URL/domain/IP:

  • GetCategory(): returns detailed information about the categorization performed. IPs can be provided for categorization using the host parameter, and a detailed URL can be provided using the url parameter. In addition to the host categorization, the path property specifies whether alternative and more precise categorization was found for the full path provided.

  • GetSimpleCategory(): returns the category that best correspond to the query provided, without any additional details