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Olfeo OEM documentation

Managing the database

Updating the databases

For production, your copy of the database should stay updated. In order to do that, we provide a docker image for the updating tool. This image is provided as a tar file.

To import the image into your docker instance, use the following commands:

$ gunzip updater-sdk-vxxx.tar.gz
$ docker image load -i updater-sdk-vxxx.tar

You can then run the updater in your docker environment.

$ docker run --rm olfeo-oem-updater:v0.8.0 --version
nexus-updater version sdk/v0.8.0-beae5f24

The updater should have access to your Redis database and be provided with your login and password.

You can also provide these using command line arguments, but also using environnement variables. You can mix and match, for instance:

$ docker run --rm olfeo-oem-updater:v0.8.0 -e "OLFEO_OEM_SDK_USERNAME=client" -e "OLFEO_OEM_SDK_PASSWORD=$password" --redis-dsn rediss://my-redis-instance.local/0 --update-url

The process will start the update. At first, the process can take quite a while. The progress is saved so the process will start where it left off if stopped and restarted.

Once the database is up to date, the process ends. You can then run the update process again at regular intervals to keep your database up-to-date. You can use a cron job for that.


Make sure you only have one instance of the update process running: having multiple instances will not make it faster.

Resetting the database

This section outlines how to reset the local Redis database, including options for resetting the entire database or targeting specific parts of the dataset.

Reset the Complete Database

To completely reset the database and remove all stored data, use the following Redis command:


This will start the database from scratch, clearing all existing data.

Reset a Specific Part of the Dataset

If you only need to reset specific parts of the dataset, you can selectively manage the data associated with a given synchronization status.

The synchronization process status between the local database and the API server is stored under a specific key in the Redis database, identified as: status. To get the current status, run the following command:

$ HGETALL status

This key contains a map that associates data type IDs with the last synchronization dates. Each date indicates the most recent update for the corresponding data type.

The table below describes the existing data types and their respective IDs:

Table 1. Data Types and Their Identifiers

Data Type




Domain Category




Application Category




Application Domain


IP Range Application




Use the updater tool to resynchronize a specific data type by clearing the respective key in the status map.

For instance, to resynchronize all applications, the following command can be used:

$ HDEL status a