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Olfeo OEM documentation

Migrating to SDK v1

The process of migrating from any version prior to version 1.0 requires planning as the internal format to represents lists of items have been changed.

There are two ways to perform this update : either restart the database from scratch implies a service interruption) or upudate an running environnement

The simplest way is to perform the update is to restart the database from scratch. Please see our article Resetting the database for more information.

However, if you need to update a running environment, then a partial update of the database is recommended. See the steps below :

First step: Updating the updater process

  1. Stop the existing updater process and prevent it from running again.

  2. Connect to the redis database a reset the sync status of the required data elements, using the following command:

    HDEL status c t a ac ia

    This will make the next updater run to reprocess all categories, themes, etc.

  3. Update the updater image to v1.0, start it and let it run to completion.

Note that this does not invalidate the database. Any SDK prior to v1.0 may still be able to run with the updated dataset.

Second step: Updating the SDK code

After step 1 is done, you can update your client code to v1.0. The new data elements will be available and be used by the updated code.

Third step: Removing obsolete elements from the database

When all client code using older version of the SDK have been updated, you can clean up your database and get some memory back by using the provided olfeo-tool binary like this:

$ olfeo-tool remove-obsolete-lists --redis-dsn redis://<user>:<password>@<instance>/<db>